
QUESTION 1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings) 

QUESTION 2) How does your product represent certain social groups? - Manisha

written ppt.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups ?
By Manisha Singh

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What is a social group?
A social group is a group of people that are similar to each other, which could be specific: Age, gender, taste or style. Every film represent different people depending on characters because stereotypes are added in order for the audiences to collect information about them easily and they are used to these types of characters. When representation are shown they enforce stereotypes.

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Our film represents teenagers because all the characters are teenagers ages 16-18 years old. This is shown by young actors, characters costume, and their style/fashion and dialogue (style of speaking). The characters are watching a vampire film which itself would be targeted at young people because it a romantic vampire movie. 

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All the characters again are female in our film, this is because the target would also be mainly young females therefore they can easily relate to them. This also represents different types of females as well because one is Gothic and the other is sporty. Including the film which the characters are watching are also targeted at young girls because its romantic and vampires. 

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Goth/ Emo vs Sporty 
Gothic people stereo-typically like thriller or horror films therefore the vampire category fits well as the character (Flare) is Gothic. This is represented by her hair-style, dark clothing and bright make up.  

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To conclude, we represent young females because of characters and actor choices. The reason for this was because our targets audiences were these people. 
- Manisha

QUESTION 3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? - Harpreet

QUESTION 4)    Who would be the audience for your media product?- Manisha

The audiences are the teenagers and young adults, this is because the movie contains some elements that are not suitable for younger children, not younger than 12 years old. I have researched that films are more popular when they are targeted to specific age group like the 'Vampire Suck' (2010) and the 'Once Bitten' (1985).

'Vampire Suck' is the movie which is the parody of the twilight series, but in this movie the actors provide the comedy elements by immitating vampire's characters which makes the movie a comedy and not serious as the original 'Twilight' movie.

'Once Bitten' is a movie with light comedy. The oldest vampire (400 years old) looks for the three virgins to bite before Halloween so she can stay young which was difficult to find in the 1980s, she manages to find the two men an the third one is Mark who lives with girlfriend but still a virgin. Mark and his girlfriend fight to save Mark from her therefore we comedy features throughout the film.

( my video.)
What is your name.
my name is........
what is your age.
i am 12 years old.
where do you live.
i live in brentford.
what do you do in your spare time.
i what movies in my spare time and 
what kind of movies you like.
i love mixture of comedy and horror movies. 
how did you find about movies and what source you use to watch movies.
well i find it from my friend and teaser trailer from internet. i watch in cinema with my close friends and  on internet.
what is your hobbies.
my hobbies are listening to music, watching movies, 
i go out to galleries and museum with my friends to capture the beauty of art and i want to go to art collage and i reading fashion blogs online for updates.

QUESTION 5) How did you attract/address your audience?   Harpreet + Manisha's Response

Written by Harpreet 
- Harpreet + Manisha

QUESTION 6 )  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?- Manisha

I have used technoloogy throughout the entire process of constructing this product.

I have learnt to use iMovie in more efficiently,  I learnt to edit the movie using the iMovie tool like audio editing. I am now aware of how to trim audio and detach it from the clip as i was not sure how to do that before. I've gained many editing skills, also learnt embedding videos from iMovie. And from youtube to iMovie. Although it has been quite challenging for me at first, I can now say I am fully confident if this kind of tasks are given to me.


 I used technology for researching about opening sequences for movies such as 'The Lost Boys' and 'The Mask of Satan' which require me to use the internet to access sites such as YouTube and Google to find out different films that are suitable for teenagers

I used blogger to combine my research by posting my findings and frequently updating the blog. I posted video and images as well as text, this way my fellow group members would also be able to view and follow these therefore it was also a good communication tool.


I used HD cameras, phone lighting we used our mobile screen and the torch as the source of light, candles and TV lights in order to create effects of various lighting on our film.

Post Production
To edit our film, we used iMovie software on Mac computers. Due to technology we were able to manipulate our film by changing the sequence order which would not be as easily possible in the olden times. In this software the features we used were: cutaways company logo and the production logo and names, audio, and adding text.


Internet-  google youtube,
Cameras- HD camera
Editing- IMovie
Evalation- Camera, imovie
QUESTION 7)  Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Through my preliminary i learnt about various camera shots like;
  • extreme close up, close ups
  • medium shot
  • over the shoulder shot
  • persons point of view
  • tilt pan
  • 180 degrees rule
I tried to include some of these shots in my full product. As a camera person i followed the rule of the 180 degree,which i broke before when i did the preliminary task, however i learnt from this mistake and was aware what to do differently when filming the movie (full product).

 I used the extreme close ups to show the facial expressions of our characters. This lets our audience about the kind of relationship the two characters have between each other. 

Another thing i learnt which i didn't really know how to before is editing, at the beginning i found this hard and it took me some time before i knew how to put every clip together giving it a meaning. I then made a teaser trailer for our final product and edited it successfully and was very pleased with. 

Lastly the lighting was key in our movie, as the setting of the movie in dark and cold. i didn't use much lighting in the preliminary task, but when filming the full product, many source of lightings were used, such as candles and torch. 


In my preliminary task we learnt the 180 degree rule and the continuity flow. We used mid shot and the extreme close up of the hand banging on the table to capture the serious matter effect and the sound effect.
During the make of our movie, I have learnt many skill, I learnt to edit our movie in more efficent way using the iMovie software, it authorizes me to edit audio in my podcast, change the audio speed, video clip, sound/ music and shade adjustment. It also let us insert production logos and the distributers companies. In my preliminary task there is few camera termnology has been used e.g. mid shot and the 180 degree rule, which we have broken at some point but since then I learnt to use the camera termnology in more detail like the long shot, low/high angle shot, mid shot, panning shot and more. We may not have used all these in our movie but at some point we have gone through and had practice. My preliminary task has lot of jump cuts, which I have overcome throughout the proccess of our movie "bite me". The lighting is very important during the make of the film. That was new to learn as it can reflcet the characters personalty and the time of the day, if the dull lights are used it is assumed that the character is evil or sad and if the bright light are used on the characters it reflect the nice part or the joy. There are two type of sound that we learn about and which are used in the films; one non diegetic sound that can be heard by the audience but not by the characters in the film, and second is the diegetic sound which is purposely used so the film characters and the audience can hear it.

- Manisha  
SCI's Grand EVALUvideo.

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